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Ich bin auf der Flucht  

Vor aufgebrachten Massen
Quer durch die Wildnis
Am Ende angekommen
Warte lange schon am Eingang
Stumm und ohne Plan



Zunächst ist da ein Sturm
Du ziehst nicht damit vorbei
Dann ist da ein Beben
Aber auch da bist du nicht involviert
Ich werde heftig von unten an den Wurzeln reißen
Bis die obere Welt sich regt



Und gäbe es ungeheure Wassermassen
Ich weiß du nähmst an keiner Flut mehr teil
Selbst wenn es heute noch Meteore regnet
Du bist ganz einfach nicht mehr dabei
Ich werde heftig an den zweiundzwanzig Wurzeln reißen
Bis die obere Welt sich regt
Ich erhebe meine Gegenstimme
Bis aus dem Säuseln die Antwort mir weht

_______Ein leichtes leises säuseln______



They build a ship each wintertime
For launch to sea before the storm


They don't just go from A to be
They go around and come around again


cause out there's always a construction site

A Starbucks and

Yet another Gugenheim


You me knows what Me you wants
Me you knows what You me wants
And it's granted


No more tassels on the hotel key
A phone line, a laptop
And a box of tangerines


They turn houses into homes
Where earthquakes live with car alarms
Mature mild-mannered catastrophes


They gift each other a thousand names
And take them off, take them off again
Like excessive jewelry


You me knows what Me you wants
Me you knows what You me wants
And it's granted


They defend each other against the past
If the future isn't bright at least it's colorful
So burn the ship come spring


They fail, fail and try again
Fall off a cliff, succeed, and fall, fall again


They have proven quite effectively
That bumblebees indeed can fly
Against the field's authority


They invent each other ever anew
Still they won't have a different view
Of everyone or anything


Defend themselves against the whims of fate
Question the statistics, accelerate
The status quo, deny the rules of gravity


But they don't use the word, once dropped it might break


They do not say that they have loved
For who can say:
We were killed yesterday



Youme knows what Meyou wants
Meyou knows what Youme wants
And it's granted
Youme knows what Meyou wants
Meyou knows what Youme wants
And it's granted
Youme knows what Meyou wants
Meyou knows what Youme wants
And it's granted
Youme knows what Meyou wants
Meyou knows what Youme wants
And it's granted




Premiere 2007 Staatstheater Braunschweig 

Haus 3


"Ein leichtes leises Säuseln" und "youme&meyou"

aus Perpetuum Mobile von den Einstürzenden


Choreographie und Kostüme

Boris Randzio


Emilia Giudicelli, Jaroslav Cernuska

website© 2024 by Boris Randzio 

Fotos©Gert Weigelt  

Fotos©Gert Weigelt  

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